capturing every moment
Serendipity- "happy accident" or "pleasant surprise", the accident of finding something good without looking.

I thought this picture was a perfect definition of serendipity for me, we adopted Coco from the humane society, he was a stray before he was found. Coco brings joy to my family and now he's in a forever home. 

3/3/2013 10:07:40 am

That's such an adorable cat! Content is the word that came to mind when I saw the picture.

Kirsten A
3/5/2013 10:13:50 am

Oh my... I just love your cat! Anyways off topic here... I love this word of the day stuff, it's awesome! Keep up what you're doing!

3/5/2013 10:25:20 pm

Thats a great picture of you cat!! I know how you feel with you cat bringing joy to your family, my cat does the same

Steph M.
3/24/2013 02:04:58 am

You captured it perfectly, I love it and your cat is adorable ! I love the concept of your blog, I never knew what serendipity meant.


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    Stephanie Le, 16 years old. Vietnamese, travelling, singing and living.