capturing every moment
Finally, after having my braces for over 2 years...I'm brace-less! Ever since I got them off(last week), I can't help but smile all the time and at everyone. Don't get me wrong, I smiled when I didn't have braces yet and when I had braces and they weren't too bad but it feels so nice and free without them. So because of this I decided to do pros and cons on having/getting braces and here they are!

Pros: The end result; having straight teeth and a beautiful smile. Missing classes for the appointments(except Futures Forum of course). 

Cons: They are expensive. You can't eat certain foods. Have to have them for quite a long time. Food gets stuck in them easily. Have to get it tightened every month(hurts for a couple days). The brackets may cut your gums. Takes long to clean/floss every night. After getting them off, you have to wear a retainer. 

Even though there are way more cons than pros, I still think it's totally worth it to get braces if they are needed! Having a nice smile for the rest of your life beats having braces for a max of 3 years! 

4/24/2013 12:25:46 am

you make braces sound so horrible, they're not that bad! You're so lucky that you got yours off already and they looks so good. Hopefully i can get mine off soon then we can both have perfect teeth!

4/24/2013 12:38:51 am

Your teeth look great! And I have wanted braces for a very long time, I think if you want braces they aren't as bad because then you'll be happy with te ending results :)

5/16/2013 10:47:39 pm

I just got my braces off too, and i agree with this blog.

5/22/2013 10:20:05 am

I know it's gonna sound weird, but I miss my braces! Your teeth look great steph :) I love that you have the pros and cons.


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    Stephanie Le, 16 years old. Vietnamese, travelling, singing and living.